I have missed blogging and this wonderful community of people so much but my reasons are valid and as much about self preservation than anything else.
This has been a terrible year in many ways, my husband has been very ill and our world at rock bottom. This year I have shed more tears than I ever thought I had and at times felt as though nothing would be the same again.
However, the end of a year is not without its reflections on both the good and bad and although one of the worst years I ever experienced there are also some positives;
In the midst of some terrible times I have been able to reach out to some of my work colleagues and found such profound support and encouragement.
- I have also made some wonderful friendships in a community craft group I'm involved with
- I've had to push myself within my little business and had great success this year
I had to increase my part-time job to full-time to ease financial pressures - this has lead to a new promotion and a new role in my work place. I've also taken up an old hobby of cross-stitch and enjoy a little 'me' time to sew during the evenings.
Playing with this little guy has kept me sane.
Of course quilting has taken a bit of a back-seat but life just wouldn't quite be the same without it - and the obligatory Henri-snuggle-factor-seal-of-approval.
I have taught myself to crochet but this remains an unfinished project for now.
Some last minute Christmas presents finished off the year.
So what have I learned this year?
- It's ok not to be ok
- I can reach out and a friends arms will open wide
- Admitting wrong and learning from it leads to new and wonderful directions
- Love is always worth fighting for
On that note I wish you all a healthy and
Happy New Year
Blessings Cxxx