Thus far I have about thirty hearts, all donated from wonderful people near and far. I really appreciate each and every one that I have received and it's been lovely to see the effort that people have shown.
I do apologise for the photographs above, some of which were taken during the evening, the lighting is terrible. These are some of the hearts received in the last couple of weeks.
1. Anne in dedication to her first husband
2. Anne in dedication to her parents who both died from cancer
3. Angie Woodhemp
4. Janis Green
5 - 7. Anne
8 - 10. Wendy Herbert
11 + 12. Wendy
Centre. Jane Weston
I would be exceedingly grateful for more hearts, the more the merrier really as I would dearly love to be able to make as many quilts as possible and aim to use at least 60 heart blocks per quilt.
I'm also going to throw open the colour of blocks to extend to a red or pink background, I think the odd splash of colour will add so much interest to the quilt.
Thank you
Caroline xx