I am getting there and my Mojo - although having been lost for a while has now returned and is getting stronger day-by-day. For those of you whose Mojo's are still missing in action, I thought I would give you a few pointers in how you might go about retrieving yours. Of course there are no hard and strict rules, but here's how I got mine back ...
1. Indulge!!! Us crafty type people work hard at juggling home, pets, family, jobs, craft and other commitments - give yourself permission to take time out just for you, indulge in a few of your favourite things ...

2. If you're lacking in inspiration, do a project that you've been putting off, or make something for charity - as you are making it imagine who you may be helping and how they will feel on receipt of something made with such love and care.

3. If all else fails, go shopping!!! Write a lovely list of all the goodies you absolutely can't live without and have fun. I bought enough fabrics today to make at least 6 quilts. That makes my Mojo very happy. I just can't wait to design a project for all those spots!!!

Love the fabrics that you bought.
When I lose my Mojo I just shut the door on my sewing room and forget about sewing. I read, do lace etc and I soon find that I NEED to make quilts.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Those are great tips. I especially like the shopping one...nothing like a little retail therapy to shake the blues.
Spots are so useful. They go with any type of quilt - adult, child, modern, retro, country.. Good luck with using them up!
God I'd LOVE to have a pamper day! OK, that is on my wish-list... Thanks for the help.
For certain these tips are right on target. I am beginning with my hair, this week! Jane @ Sew Create It, she gave me that idea with her fabulous new style! A massage would be oh so wonderful...hm, you certainly have given me some ideas as to how I can feel the mojo joy once again. Thanks! The retail therapy is most inspiring, lol.
It has been difficult to find my Mojo these days between work and home these days. There just hasn't been energy leftover - I am looking forward to Christmas break. We have managed to get some cleaning out done in our house so that has been time consuming too. I
do miss the creating part - one needs to feed that part too.
Warmest regards,
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